miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014



Chechi was born in Cartagena, 28 years ago; started to skate as a childhood and entry School Skating Bolivar. She is a short woman with strong, muscular legs, sympathetic and delicate face, as a good athlete, your body is firm and strong. The scars on your skin is a reflection of their trip and the sacrifices he has faced in this sport.
She is 27 year old , who has dedicated his life to skate, a career that has given satisfaction, joys, triumphs, experiences and life lessons. But his strong, muscular legs, show a long and arduous process that leads from sports as four years old. Chechi is a responsible woman, dedicated, which does, he does with heart, who has sacrificed time and stages of life, such as childhood and adolescence, to devote all his time and effort to the sport.
Cecilia is national multiple, Panamericana, World and different glasses in the world marathon champion, from 2001 until today. But it is not only a successful woman in her sport, Chechi is humble, simple, charismatic, respectful, intelligent and kind young man who thinks of others, as a member of the UNICEF organization and wants to help his people.

Chechi is a happy woman with a bright future thanks to their qualities and their huge desire to succeed.
His personality is what makes her my favorite character and motivates me to be better every day.